green wiki:
>For other uses, see Green (disambiguation). Green is a color seen commonly in nature. Many plants are green mainly because of a complex chemical known as chlorophyll which is involved in photosynthesis.Green light has a wavelength of roughly 520â570 nm and is one of the additive primary colors. It is the complement of magenta. Many artists, however, continue to use a traditional color theory in which the complement of green is considered to be red.People who are red-green color blind can often distinguish between the two colors but confuse them with other colors, for example, bright green with yellow; dark green with brown.
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Mantis wiki:
[is is Greek for "prophet."Mantis is also the name of several insects in the Mantidae family:Carolina mantisChinese mantisEuropean mantisPraying mantisMantis shrimps, also known as stomatopods or mantid lobsters, are predatory crustaceans. The name derives from their powerful claws, which resemble those of the familar praying mantis.
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